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I have served alongside Marg Benton for the past four years on the Los Banos School Board.   Not knowing Marg before she was elected to the Board, I realized very quickly that Los Banos was very lucky to have Marg as one of its school board members.  I respect her decisions as they are well thought out and researched.  She is an independent thinker and has no personal or political agenda.  She is the kind of Board member Los Banos Unified School District needs – a Board member whose first and only priority is what’s best for the students, the staff, and the school district.  








Anthony Parreira 

Board President, Los Banos Unified School District.


I have known Marg Benton for many years and she possesses many qualities. There are too many to list here, but the top three would be:


Integrity:  She is honest and has strong moral principles.  


Cooperation: I’ve seen Marg, both through Rotary and her role as a school board member work well with others to a commend end. She can speak up when needed, but is also able to listen to other points of view without interrupting. She does not always have to have her way and is willing to try new ideas. In today’s world it is important to have people who can listen and value other opinions.


Empathy:  Defined as, “the ability to understand and share the feelings of others,” Marg has proven during her time on the board to be someone who puts the students best interests, first and foremost, in all her decisions.


When one looks at candidates for any elected position, one should ask themselves who has the most experience and best qualities for that seat. When it comes to electing someone to lead us into the future of education — during a very unprecedented time in our lives — I would strongly suggest Marg is the best choice. And Los Banos students deserve the best.


Gene Lieb

Los Banos Resident

As long-time, involved Los Banos community members and business owners,  we have had the pleasure of knowing Marg Benton for several years, and highly recommend her for re-election to the Los Banos Unified School District Board.

In getting to know Marg through her various community volunteer efforts, she has proven herself to be a trustworthy person of integrity, and someone deeply dedicated to the children and students of Los Banos.  She is a passionate advocate for all children and diligent in her research and ensuring their voices are represented in every decision she makes.  She is aware of the complex and diverse world in which our students live, allowing her to bring an open-mind and open-heart to all  she does.

Marg has served the Los Banos Unified School District the last four years in offering forward-thinking, inclusive ideas, and creative solutions, all in the best interest of our children.  She remains committed to this most critical role and will continue to enthusiastically contribute as an educated and engaged LBUSD Board Member when re-elected this Fall.


Lynnette & Richard Gerbi

Community Members

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